When you let your current employer know that you’ve been offered a new position, you may be met with a lucrative counteroffer or promise of a promotion and raise, all to encourage you to stay. While a counteroffer may look like an enticing option, there are some pitfalls and reasons you should be cautious to accept since in the long run it typically doesn’t benefit either the employee or employer. Here are some reasons you may be cautious to accept a counteroffer…
Your Loyalty Will Be Questioned
Even if you accept the counteroffer, letting your manager know that you were considering another job, will make them question your loyalty. They may have in the back of their mind that you’re going to always be open to and seeking other employment opportunities. This may hinder your ability to work up the corporate ladder and progress with the company since they may feel you are a bit of a “wildcard” and not worth investing as much in.
Your Career May Stall or Be in Danger
If you accept a counteroffer now, you may be hurting your chances of receiving a raise that could have happened down the line. Sometimes companies offer you a counteroffer just to keep you until they find a replacement who they feel can do the job just as well and not be a flight risk. Even if that’s not the case, another possibility is if the company needs to downsize, you may now be top of the list of employees they consider letting go since they feel you aren’t as committed as their other employees.
Job Dissatisfaction
People rarely leave their current role just for the sole purpose of a higher salary. Money may be the primary factor in wanting a new job, but it’s often coupled with wanting things such as a better work culture, a healthier work-life balance, etc. Staying with your current employer, even with a salary bump, often doesn’t work in the long run since those other factors erode your job satisfaction. In an article on Forbes, they write “If you have not been treated fairly and your company had months or even years to take care of your concerns, but only addressed them once you informed them that you’re leaving, they don’t care about you. This may sound cold and cynical, but it’s the truth. They had their chance to do right by you and they elected not to. They blew their chances and you deserve better treatment.” Be honest with yourself and consider if the higher salary will be enough to keep you satisfied.