SNI Executive Search
Our executive search division was created because our clients expressed significant interest in a search option that encompassed the advantages of retained search without the over inflated fee structure or the unnecessary reporting. Hiring managers wanted effective results provided in as simple a structure as possible.
We knew we could provide the dedicated resources and guarantee delivery of top-level talent without the need to justify our fees with long lists of candidates who were ultimately deemed unqualified or uninterested in the role. Our guaranteed performance model is able to offer a considerable average savings of 25% compared to most traditional retained search structures, and our results prove it.
Beyond our proven track record, our performance guarantee is something other traditional retained firms simply don’t offer. Let us show you why our unique structure has become the preferred method for filling key senior and executive leadership roles, especially when cost and confidentiality matter.
Our Services
We offer dedicated focus and resources to identify key leadership talent, as well as guaranteed performance benchmarks throughout the process. This approach is ideal when you have a challenging or confidential hire at the Director to C-Suite level.
Our network of Senior level consultants can provide interim stability after a sudden vacancy or add unique expertise for a special project. Hiring a Senior Level Interim Consultant can be a cost effective solution to ease the transition while backfilling a key position.
In today’s highly competitive candidate market, it’s critical to partner with a recruiting team who can deliver the best talent quickly. This contingent recruiting model is generally best suited for Manager level searches and below.
Partnering With SNI Executive Search Means:
- A detailed search plan which reduces placement time as well as the number of candidates reviewed/interviewed
- A broader reach to identify the best candidate, not just the best local or available candidate
- Ability to source high profile candidates that may be “restricted” from direct recruitment
- Complete and managed confidentiality with a single point of contact approach