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Increasing Visibility at Work as an Introvert

Something that doesn’t get discussed often is the complexity of different personality types in a work environment, and by this, we are talking about specifically extroverts and introverts. These two different personality types may function differently at work and their progress up the career ladder may look different because of that. In an article on Forbes they write, “In a workplace culture where extroverted qualities are often valued, and self-promotion is necessary for recognition and promotion, introverts have difficulty gaining the visibility and acknowledgment they deserve for their contributions.” In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how introverts can increase their visibility and success in the workplace.


Speak Up in Meetings

In general, introverts tend to keep to themselves in meetings and may not speak up, even if they have something beneficial to add to the conversation. In the same Forbes article, they go on to say, “Do you ever find that others speak up with what you were thinking first? It can be challenging but try to be the second or third person to contribute instead of waiting for the perfect comment. Take a deep breath and express your thoughts. Introverts often perform better when they have time to prepare and rehearse their ideas. So, take some time to outline your key points, practice your delivery, and anticipate any questions before the meeting. This will help increase your confidence and ensure that your contributions are well-received. After the meeting, take the time to appreciate your contributions and give yourself a pat on the back. Avoid focusing on what you didn’t say or what didn’t go perfectly.”


Stop Self-deprecating Statements

Introverts can be critical of themselves and second-guess everything they say. In an article in Harvard Business Review, they write, “Have you ever hesitated in a one-on-one with your boss, confessing, “This probably isn’t what you’re looking for…” when handing over a deliverable? Or maybe, while brainstorming with a colleague, you’ve led with, “This may be a terrible idea, but…”? There’s a time and a place to temper expectations and soften proposals, but introverts tend to habitually downplay their ideas and achievements.


But habitually using disqualifiers like “I’m no expert on this” can lead others to underestimate your knowledge and capabilities, unintentionally signaling you’re not a go-to resource or thought leader in your area, even when the opposite is true. Over time, this can diminish your authority and influence.


To change how your communication is received, swap self-deprecating statements for more assertive language. For example:

  • Instead of, “This may not be right, but…” try, “Another approach could be…”
  • Instead of, “Just throwing this out there…” try, “I’d like to propose…”
  • Instead of, “Sorry if this is off-topic…” try, “To broaden our perspective…”
  • Instead of, “I haven’t looked into this much…” try, “My initial thoughts are…”
  • Instead of, “This is just my opinion…” try, “Based on my understanding…”

By framing your contributions positively and confidently, you encourage others to respect your ideas and acknowledge your expertise.”
