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Why to Give a 2-Weeks Notice

As our society moves more and more toward communicating through email, text messaging, and other forms of e-communication where we are not face-to-face, it has appeared to become easier and easier for people to seemingly dismiss the traditional professional notice. Whether that looks like resigning by sending a text, by leaving a letter on a boss’s desk with no other communication, by firing off an email, or by simply not showing back up. These are not a professional or courteous way to leave a job, in today’s blog we’ll delve into this a bit more.


Burning a bridge when leaving an organization is never something you want to do. One reason is that it may come back to haunt them years later when they were interviewing for a job they wanted but didn’t get because their reputation had been damaged by an unprofessional exit.

If you’ve decided to leave your job, then do the right thing even if the company you’re leaving may not have. Even if you have only been there a few weeks or months it’s not ok to email that you’re resigning without giving a professional 2-week notice. If you have only been in the job for a short time the chances are high that they won’t want or need you to work out the 2 weeks, but again do the right thing and offer to complete that transition period while stating that if they don’t need you to stay your preference would be to wrap up as quickly as possible. The first step once your decision is made should always be to set up an exit meeting with your manager and present an official letter of resignation.

Before having this conversation, take time to think through how you want to deliver the news and tell why you are moving on. It is important to be honest and constructive while also showing gratitude for the opportunity they gave you and the experience you’ve gained while there. During this discussion, you will want to present your two-week notice. The reason for this letter is to provide written documentation, which HR typically requires, that you are leaving your current company, as well as confirmation of when your last day would be. Again, convey two weeks and be willing to honor that, but you can discuss a shorter time frame.


Properly organizing this letter is important, so you do not convey too much or too little information. It doesn’t need to be lengthy. Put the date at the top, address it to your boss, make your resignation statement inclusive of your appreciation for the opportunity, and then type your name and sign it. If your boss inquires as to why you’re leaving, which they always should, then you can decide whether or not to get into the details of your decision. Remember to always keep your comments professional and give feedback from the perspective of wanting to be constructive.

Once this conversation is complete, the hard part is over! You will have successfully resigned with poise and professionalism. While moving on from a job is very common, it is always wise to leave on good terms with your former employer. Remember that your reputation, track record of professionalism, and your integrity will follow you throughout your career so do the right thing!
