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What to Avoid Doing During Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have become a staple in today’s professional world. While technology allows us to connect with others from afar, it also can come with a unique set of challenges. Here is a list of what you want to make sure to avoid during your next virtual meeting.


Talking Over Others

Practice patience by being mindful of not speaking over and letting others finish their thoughts completely before you begin speaking. In an article on Forbes, they write, “Virtual meetings are a delicate dance of muting, unmuting, and timing your contributions. Interrupting or talking over others makes you seem disrespectful and impatient. Wait for your moment, acknowledge other speakers, and use phrases like, “Building on what Chanda said…” to seamlessly join the conversation. People will see how skilled you are at communication and demonstrating the skills of authentic leadership.” Along with this, make sure to utilize the mute button! Even if you are not speaking, if there is any background noise on your end, that will be distracting for others, so make sure to have the mute button on at all times except for when you are ready to start speaking.


Showing Up Unprepared and Late

Whether your meeting is virtual or in person, it’s important to show respect to your colleagues and show up prepared and on time. Have your notebook ready with any thoughts, questions, or updates you have prepared, and make sure you are not late. This ensures the meeting can run more effectively and will help you and your team stay on track.



During your virtual meetings, avoid checking emails and social media as doing so will inevitably distract you and make it appear that you’re not engaged in the meeting. In the same Forbes article, they discourage multitasking saying, “We all think we’re multitasking masters, but the truth is, our brains are just task switching—and poorly at that. Scrolling through emails or checking Slack while in a meeting ensures you’ll miss key points and seem disengaged. Instead, give the meeting your full attention and stay present (as hard as that might be). The emails will still be there when the meeting ends. One way to remain attentive is to keep your camera on for the entire meeting.”


Ensure Proper Video and Audio Setup

Technical issues can be one of the biggest pitfalls to avoid with virtual meetings. Ahead of your meeting, test your equipment to make sure your microphone is working and your camera is at a good angle with proper lighting. Additionally, in an article on HubSpot, they discuss the importance of having a backup plan writing, “A dysfunctional microphone or PowerPoint won’t derail your in-person meeting, but it will effectively shut down a virtual one. Given this, Ashley Ladd, Manager on the Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging team at HubSpot, says that not having a tech backup plan for your virtual meeting is a mistake. Ladd says, ‘Our internet connection is always stable until we need it to be, so having a backup plan ensures flawless execution of your events and less worrying about your connection or having the meeting dropped.’”
